Black Liquid Mirror
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Item#010: Black Liquid Mirror 2 B
Size 1,6m x 0,8m x 0,03m. Type Wall Mirror.
Living No. Conscious No.
Hazards Element appearances. Gear None.
Location Base Seven, Warehouse for Anomalous Weaponry. Anomaly Inter-dimensional.


Detail of the frame in the mirror.

The article is currently used to make copies of vital personnel. Copies produced by the article must be displayed in place of the originals. The properties of the elements are activated when an organism is able to look directly in the mirror and reflect in it. Blind assets can be recreated, if a being capable of seeing triggers the properties of the elements. The item should not be deployed in heavily populated areas. Subjects who triggered the item's effect are advised to move away from it as soon as possible, seek help, or be adequately armed to face a copy of themselves (which is primarily blind) in combat.

The properties of the articles can be sufficiently counteracted by covering the mirror in a transparent cloth. Under no circumstances should the mirror surface of the object be touched in any way other than a soft cover or other sufficient concealment. Larger objects and structures that touched the mirror were sucked into it with a force of 2 kilo-newtons, with the mirror surface acting like a liquid in the process. Copies should not be relied upon when it comes to display of the item and should be permanently separated from it.


The item is a mirror of unknown origin. The silver frame design could not be linked to a specific point of origin. Once the properties of the elements are activated, the article will try to produce a replica of the being that activated its effect and each of the beings reflected in it at that moment. The mirror surface will begin to drip a sticky black liquid similar in texture and consistency to oil paint. The article will provide a more or less accurate copy of the reflected subjects. These copies will emerge from the item completely covered in a black sticky substance similar to that previously dispensed.

The observed behavior of these copies suggests discomfort about their condition at creation. The copies will attempt to remove the goo from your eyes and mouths as quickly as possible, some of which will emit strong curses in the process. The accuracy of the copies produced by the item depends on the amount of replicated item the mirror has "seen".

Observed Behavior (Copies)

Copies produced with less than 15% (smallest copy) of the image at least once reflected in the mirror will hardly resemble the original. Instead they will develop long teeth (up to 7 cm) and appendages of more than 1.5 meters (up to 3 meters). The rest of the percentage of the "seen" is copied correctly. The other 15% of the entities produced in this way will not attempt to cleanse themselves, but will instead attempt to force other beings to activate the effect of the mirrors by force, without killing them. If this action results in the activation of the article, it does not affect the behavior of the copy, which will drag all apparently conscious or living beings to the mirror with it. Minor copy can fool subjects by playing dead.

Note: Activating the mirror when the viewed subject is not visible (one-way mirror/live camera feed) will not produce one of these smaller copies.

Copies produced at 15 to 50% will approximate a human shape and produce copies that sometimes lack the clear features and details of the original (rough copy). These copies will spawn with completely approximate bodysuit, if this is mirrored.

Copies produced with more than 50% are almost indistinguishable from their real counterpart once cleaned. Each near-perfect copy has the memories and personality of the copied subject. These copies will carry all the articles that carry the originals, even if these were never reflected.

Some attempts to create anomalies with the article had different levels of success and are prohibited until further notice.

All the copies produced by the mirror work together to put more people in front of the mirror, push/shove/throw people into the mirror, and return to the mirror once the original is inside the mirror.

Observed Behavior (Mirror)

The article seems to remember and identify the person, even if the effect of the elements was not activated during its introduction. In a series of tests, subjects were blindfolded and reflected in the mirror, then the mirror was activated with only the subjects' hand reflected. The result was an indistinguishable copy of the subject and not a minor copy. Subjects that currently have an active copy will have no reflection on the element no mirror no reflective surface. If the active copy is not a near-perfect copy, only the parts that are reflected in the copy will not be reflected on other mirroring surfaces. If a perfect copy is returned in the article, the subject will regain the reflection of it. Part copies (Smaller and Approximate) only return parts of the reflection if they are re-mirrored.

It is possible to make multiple copies of the same subject. This is only possible if other Approximate copies are currently active. If the Approximate copies are reflected in the mirror a new Approximate copy will emerge from it.

Note: Currently, the highest number of approximate copies that can be produced from a subject is 5, but observed behavior suggests that Approximate 6 copies could be achieved.


The object was recovered after several people disappeared, after a family of civilians moved into a possibly haunted house under IC observation. After the family and 4 members of the local police had disappeared, a 15-member recovery unit entered the house to stop any possible anomalies. The assault resulted in the activation of the item, which was located in the attic, producing 4 minor copies, 1 approximate copy, and 2 near-perfect copies. The 3 best copies aided in the death of the other copies and subsequent recovery, ending the operation with 6 IC victims in total.